
Custom Software


Quick & Sweet

“Software development that moves business.”

How We Did It

At Pyrix, we pride ourselves on our ability to quickly learn and adapt to new business models and concepts. Our role is not to be just a pair of “extra hands” for a specific project; we love using our background and experience to revolutionize how business succeeds.

We have found that good software solutions to business challenges do exist. To find them, however, you have to be sure you are answering the right questions. You must examine the root causes of the difficulties, not just symptoms. You must challenge prevailing conventional wisdom that has failed to prove its worth, while preserving those principles and processes that do provide value.<

The team at Pyrix is proficient in developing software across multiple platforms under a variety of operating systems utilizing popular programming languages. We have intimate knowledge of .Net, including WCF, ASP.Net, thin and thick client programming using C++, C#, and ASP.NET on all frameworks up through Framework 3.5.

When buying software off the shelf can’t solve your problem, Pyrix excels at listening and learning from you, the expert in your field. Let us use our expertise to make your business move . . .